history of art.

5. The Family

First off I thought it'd be good to start looking at people which were around Patrick for most of his life. His family.

Patrick's dad was a jazz musician, I've searched 'patrick wolf's dad/ father' and other guesses for hours on Google and cannot find a name for him.

However, I do know the name of his Mother. The first I heard of her was a while ago when Patrick had left a message on his myspace saying that his Mother had an art exhibition at The Residence Gallery and that he'd see everyone there for the private view. A public invite for a 'private view'.

Imelda Apps, an artist, the mother to Patrick Wolf and Jo Apps and the wife of... a jazz musician, is an ex- student of Chelsea College of Art.

2. Painting by Imelda Apps - Patrick on last day of June 2004
You can find her website here:

Jo Apps, Patricks sister is another musician in the family. She is a singer and instrumentalist. She plays clarinet aand sings for Wolf, among other things. She has sang on Venetian Snares record 'Dance like you're selling nails', played bass with Capitol K and recently released her own single- 'A Kausikan'. As well as d.j'ing. Her myspace address is:

This is the family.
There are so many other links to go through, I'm unsure of the best way to do so. No matter how awful everyone thinks it is, it is by no doubt an amazing source to use for things like this. It's Myspace. It can bring out the worst in people, but becase it is so public it means making links like these is easy.

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