history of art.

7. www.myspace.com

I've realised that most of the links which I have used are links to peoples Myspace profiles.

I looked up the term 'public institution' and found the following defintions of public and private institutions:

'The commencement or initiation of anything, such as an action.
An establishment, particularly one that is eleemosynary or public by nature.
An institution can be any type of organized corporation or society. It may be private and designed for the profit of the individuals composing it, or public and nonprofit.'1

www.Myspace.com runs on the public using it. If it weren't for 'us' then there would be no such thing as Myspace, just Tom, with zero friends and it wouldn't work.

The owners must be making money somehow (from advertising, one would imagine). But it does not charge the public to use it.

I have found an article at

It tells how Myspace was sold almost two years ago to Rupert Murdoch's 'News corp' for over $580 million.

Myspace has been creating a massive hype for the past couple of years now. I have personally had a love/ hate relationship with it. I've been a member of Myspace for about five/six years now. I started on 'Friendster' and spoke to people who had been to the same gigs as me or who liked the same music as me. It was all a bit weird really. I spoke to my first major boyfriend on Myspace after I met him to make arrangements to meet up. I got hassle from his ex- girlfriends on Myspace. I hated it for a while, especially after we split up. The problem is that it is public. You can read things which your ex boyfriend has written to his new girlfriend. It's enough to make you go a little insane/ make everyone around you think you've gone insane when you tell them about how your ex told his new girlfriend he loved her on myspace yesterday and how today he said he was going to go to her house, etcetera. You basically are stalking people.

It has its down points, but I've now realised, in my more-mature years, that if used properly (ex boyfriends are deleted as are any links made to him and you cannot view his or any of his friends profiles and you don't get yourself in to ridiculous relationships with arseholes) then Myspace is an amazing source for information.

Artists, musicians, galleries, companies, t.v programmes all use Myspace, and why not?
Myspace is a great way to get yourself seen. With the click of a mouse you're trying to get someones attention and for them to look at your profile. This is all free. Free to put up a profile, free to put up music/pictures, free to show when and where gigs are, free to add fans to. Really, it can be an amazing source.

The Arctic Monkeys were spotted thanks to Myspace, and I'm sure it has made many a band much more popular.
There are special Myspace mixes now, C.d's, events and gigs.
Myspace is a generation of mini-stars to be, for whatever you do.

You can literally make yourself, create someone or something, all with a huge help from Myspace to back you.


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