history of art.

Foals review Patrick Wolf.

My friends; Foals, were asked by playlouder (www.playlouder.com) to do a single review for them, on the 10th April, the singles needing to be reviewed included Patrick Wolf's- The Magic Postion. The following is what Edwin and Yannis said about the single

"Patrick Wolf - 'The Magic Position'A bit like the sort of music someone who used to be friends with you would make. Irritatingly, you know girls will love it but you hate him all the more for it. To be honest we have nothing to say about it... It's one of those things that's so beyond worth commenting that I'm actually falling sleep. Not in a bad way though, he does it well. 4/10"

I'm unsure if it's just this song or every thing Patrick Wolf, that they dislike. I introduced Jimmy from Foals to Patrick Wolf a while ago, he really liked him and said something about "You'll have to make me meet him."
Funny how the roles reverse.

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